Secret Messages Hidden Within Famous Works of Art | David (Michelangelo)

People love finding hidden symbols and secret codes in all sorts of objects especially piece of famous artworks. You have probably seen the “Mona Lisa,” but not with a microscope, she has a minuscule code hidden in her eyes. Also it might be common knowledge that Leonardo Da Vinci was an accomplished musician, but very few people know about the song he painted into “The Last Supper,” using rolls and hands in the place of music notes. Last Supper Hidden Message

In this series we will share famous work of arts with supposedly hidden symbols or messages. In this article we are going to share “David” by Michelangelo.

The statue of “David,” of David and Goliath fame, is 17-feet-tall. It’s entirely possible that Michelangelo never even meant for people to be able to look at his face head-on. Viewing him from below, as almost everyone does, he appears to have a calm expression on his face.

But when you look at him face-to-face, David clearly has an expression of fear, or maybe anger. This is because he’s about to do battle with Goliath in the most famous underdog story of all time.

A paper done by two doctors actually stated that Michelangelo left other clues to David’s state of turmoil — the veins in his arms are popping out and his brow is furrowed.

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