
Roles that carry death. Demon of Dmitri Hvarastovsky

There is an old theatrical superstition, according to which the role of the 'evil forces' jinxed and serious illnesses of their performers.

At the beginning of 2015 for three nights in Moscow gave a concert performance of the opera by Anton Rubinsheyna "Demon" on the eponymous poem by Mikhuail Lermontov (directed by Dmitry Bertman, the concert hall Tchaikovsky) The organizer of this event was the Moscow State Philharmonic Society. All three evenings were held with re-appointments.

In the role of the Spirit-tempter - Dmitry Hvorostovsky. The cast soprano Asmik Grigorian (Lithuania), bass Alexander Cymbalyuk.

The appearance in the philharmonic playbill of the "Demon" Rubinstein is not accidental. To sing the party of the luciferical lover, the worldly tempter long dreamed Russian baritone Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

The image of Demon in Dmitri Hvorostovsky is charismatic: but he is not an eternally young handsome tempter and not a Mephistophelesian type with an ecstatic look, but an aged fatal lover with gray hair strands and a cold, detached gaze. His demon embodies boredom, knowledge: everything is in the past, the whole world is a book read. This Demon knows that there is no point in spending power even on evil: it is created on its own. Khvorostovsky sings his hero flawlessly smooth, smooth sound, finishing each phrase and not succumbing to a dense crescendo orchestra.

In the final "Demon" the outcome of the struggle is decided. The outcome is known. But the Angel does not win in the play. He gets the body of Tamara, lifelessly hung on his hands. Tamara's love was known to the Demon. Let for a moment.

Centuries past since Lermontov formulated for the world the tragedy of the Demon's personality, it was not generalized, simplified or smoothed. The tragedy of the Demon, unfortunately, today is understandable without redundant explanations. Strong, intelligent, but immersed in himself, while capable of feeling and seeing in the world of his unsettledness, injustice, disharmony, antitheses, distortions and excesses - is a person who feels the power to influence not just the course of life but interfere in questions world order.

However, his talents and talent for the rest of the crowd of contemporaries are not needed. This is a romantic irony. And then the Demon, proud and incapable of humility, who does not even think about and knows about the choice of selfless creativity, stands up against God. For the fact that the world is not just, and God is not just, allowing evil. The truth of the insurrection is further strengthened by the self-assured conviction that it creates the world, it would have turned out to be much more perfect. Dmitri Hvorostovsky's stunning legato was also spoken by Lermontov the poet and Rubinstein-composer.

The singer in music embodied the idea - the tragedy of a strong person, in the misfortune of contemporary circumstances and circumstances that failed to fulfill his mission and to exhaust in creation that living pot of creative forces and potencies that God gave this person with paternal generosity at the moment of his conceiving. After all, God was thinking of an assistant. But due to the weakness of the faith, he received a nihilist who avenges the world for the unsettledness of the same world. Having risen against God, the hero of Lermontov-Rubinstein "sowed evil without pleasure," and, having lost all spark of inspiration, found strength in himself only for the still greater convulsions of his anti-God uprising. Khvorostovsky suffered on the stage exactly as Lermontov: the sterility of pride, the primacy of self-will over compassion, and the secondary fall from cowardice.

Full of passion The demon could not find in himself the main feeling, which in reality is the highest inspiration and the highest power - love. Behind the contrasts of a distorted-distorted world in which, yes, suffering often outweighs happiness, emptiness clogs fullness, and captivity seems more attractive than freedom, the demon has not seen the greatness and charm of this world. Expressed in the eternal and unshakable - in the beauty of nature, deep-sea relations in the family and sincere-quivering relations between beloved. Hvorostovsky-Demon, who met Tamara-Grigoryan, went on a blade of choice between falling and love, between oblivion in history and repentance-redemption, but in his choice he did after demon. Unexpected for the Moscow public heroine (Tamara-Grigoryan) - sensual, humanly close, touching, like a woman-understandable, empathic and understanding Demon. Light and pure and at the same time naturally wanting love: "You see: I miss you, you see women's dreams" - Lermontov-Rubinstein's Tamara confessed to the Demon in her feelings the crystal soprano of the Vilenchan girl Hasmik Grigoryan on the stage of the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. Despite the fact that mystical signs appeared in Dmitry Khvorostovsky's creative life, he was not afraid to sing in the opera "Demon". As noted by the media, as well as friends and colleagues prematurely left the artist, immediately after the performance the singer fell ill.

The creators of the program on television "One day ..." remembered that only 2 years ago a famous opera singer dared and took a creative challenge - he sang in the opera "Demon" by composer Anton Rubinstein. As noted by the experts, the production was created almost 150 years ago and for 50 years all attempts to put the opera failed. Journalists said that Khvorostovsky recalled that he once wanted to perform a part of the opera and felt a sharp deterioration in his health. During the singing, he wheezed. At that time, the artist wrote that he had "terrible memories". However, the singer did not go on stage and played an infernal role. This was in early 2015. After a few months, he was diagnosed with a tumor in the brain. According to Dmitry Hvorostovsky, "Demon" is freedom of thought and freedom of love. The artist stressed that his whole life is proof of going beyond. In addition, the famous baritone uttered words that turned out to be prophetic - the singer called life beautiful, but, unfortunately, short.


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